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                  [Rozmiar: 1732 bajtów]   MULTIMEDIA COMPETITION  "CHOPIN IN XXI CENTURY"  [Rozmiar: 406 bajtów]  
             Barska 2; 02-315 Warszawa , POLSKA,   tel.  (+48) 602 126 206
www.warszawa.mazowsze.pl/chopin  ;   e-mail: Chopin@warszawa.mazowsze.pl 
[Rozmiar: 67094 bajtów]









The resultsof"Chopinin thetwenty-firstcentury” MultimediaContest
Solemn Closing of the Contest on You Tube >>
Verdict of Jury >>

Inthe television programs category
The 1st award

 Robert Kamyk  and  TVP Kultura team
For a widespread promotion of the person and music of our genius Pole, and especially for the complete and highly interesting TV and internet report of the XVI Chopin Piano Contest In the Chopin Year 2010.
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Red. Robert Kamyk po wręczeniu Nagrody przez Małgorzatę Pietkiewicz-Jedynak, przewodniczącą Jury Konkursu

The 2nd award
The authors of „Chopin 2010”  TV series
for thepopularizing,innovative, andintelligible,especiallyfor the younger generation,format of theevents ofthe Chopin Year

Inthe multimediapublications category
The 1st award
ed Jacek Hawryluk with his team
For a multimedia publication entitled „Chopin”, which appeared as a part of Gazeta Wyborcza Library. It enabled to provide the general public albums with the best performances of all the works of Chopin, supplemented by a beautiful iconography with texts about the Composer’s life and creativity.
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Fundatorzy Nagród i Organizatorzy  Konkursu ;
Nagrody wręczali: Tomasz Pietrasieński - przedstawiciel Wojewody Mazowieckiego- Jacka Kozłowskiego, Tadeusz Koryś - Starosta Sochaczewski i Jadwiga Orczyk0Miziołek - prezes Stowarzyszenia Mazowsze Chopina.
The 2nd award

The „Chopin” collection by „Rzeczpospolita” and Wydawnictwo Narodowe
for providing its readers with an evaluation of Chopin’s output, supplemented by theme  recordings, and for showing the facts of the rich, but short life of the Composer

In the films and video recording category
The 1st award
professor Piotr Gach (USA)
For therecord ofa concertcombiningmusicwitha lectureentitled"ThesecretsofChopin "
The 2nd award ex equo
Bogna Lewtak-Baczyńska
forinitiating,participatingby singing and making the registration ofartistic eventsof the Chopin Year, such as "Chopin'sLetter, ""LoveforChopin - thefilmimagesTriptych"
Dagny Baczyńska – Kissas
For therecordingsof Chopin’s recitals, related to the Chopin’s YearandBalletEtudes for
thePolonaisein B flat byChopin
The 3rd award ex equo
- Anna Osławska
for directing a theatrical performance "The song of life and death of Frederic Chopin " by Roman Brandstaetter

- fr. Marian Szablewski (Australia)
for showing the last moments of Chopin's life and his return to God in the film "From despair to hope"

In the radio programs category
The 1st award
- Czesława Borowik
for tworadiodocumentaries"On the way toPoturzyn"and"Deklasacja"
[Rozmiar: 72181 bajtów]    [Rozmiar: 69262 bajtów]
In the multimedia presentations category
The 1st award

- Wioletta  Pilorz z Żyrardowa for "The Land of Polonaises – Chopin’s Poland" presentation
The 2nd award
- Sylwester Jesionkiewicz  fora series ofpresentations, "AutumnandWinterwiththe musicof Chopin", "Music of the manorin theMazowsze landscape"
The 3rd award
- Patryk Dublinowski from Białogard for „Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin” multimedia presentation

for searching  for
multimedialforms to celebratethe Chopin’s Year
- Monika Milczarek-Grzanka i Mariola Żabińska from Włocławek
for"SentimentaljourneyKujawy, the regionclose to Chopin’s heart”, the film In which youth participated
- Wanda Milewska from Gorzów Wielkopolski
for providing local news about Chopin on the Internet
- Alicja Lampa for „Collage"and " TheColours ofSound"
- Lidia Michalak  from Żelechów for „Fryderyk Chopin – Inspirations” presentation
- Filip Ignatowicz z Gdańska for Works  –"Etudesrevolution ", "ToFreedom","EnTroisQutres, ""Desire1 ", "Desire2 ","I’m all ears – let’s go, nobody calls”.

- Krzysztof Jagiełło from Wrocław for the work „ Monolith – 3D Funeral march animation”
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- Marta Ewa Wróblewska from Warsaw
 for the  "Chopin Airport - port of happy returns " poster - photography

- Arleta Borek from Gorzów Wielkopolski -  Chopin on Woodstock
- Karolina Jaśnia and Jan Skarbek-Kazanowski   Chopin  Prelude no. 4

Special Awards from the "Chopin in the XXI Century " Multimedia Contest Organizing Committee

Medals for particular achievements in the field of promotion of Chopin's music in the world
and active participation in the work of the Program Council of Competition:

- Małgorzata Jedynak Pietkiewicz  -the president of the Program Council,  
director of several films and TV programs about Chopin Piano Contest.
- Antoni Wit – the CEO of the National Philharmonic
 - Zofia Dziewanowska from San Diego (USA)
 - Jerzy Barankiewicz from Cincinnati (USA)
- Martin Kunert  for the report on Chopin’s Marathon in San Diego (USA)

The symbolic prizes are founded by :
 the Governor of Mazowsze, Antoni Wit – the director National Philharmonic, the Governor of Sochaczew, Mazowsze Chopina Society, the Organizers of the Contest:  Polska-Europa-Polonia Foundation
and Niepokalanów Festival Organizing Committee

/-/  Zygmunt Gutowski
president of the Foundation Polska-Europa-Polonia
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
“Chopin in the 21stCentur”y Multimedia Contest


The Multimedia Competition “Chopin in the 21stCentury

Purpose of the Competition

The Competition takes place in the framework of the celebrations of the 200thanniversary of the birth of Fryderyk Chopin. The purpose of the Competition is to survey and reward multimedia and film works demonstrating the influence of our great composer on the life and creativity of people around the world living at the cusp of the 20thand 21stcenturies. It is also important to promote works inspired by Chopin through the latest means of conveying images and sound such as DVDs, CDs the internet and cell phones.

Competition dates and duration
The Competition lasts from Sept. 1, 2009 until January 31, 2011.
Competition entries will be presented during various events organized in the framework of celebrations during the Chopin Year. The best entries of the entire Competition will be presented during the 25thNiepokalanow International Catholic Festival of Film and Multimedia 2010, may. 27 - 30 in Niepokalanow and during the Polonia Multimedia Festival “Polish Fatherlands 2010” –October, 10-11, 2010 in Czestochowa and finally at Closing Gala in the beginning of June, 2011 in Warsaw (Poland)

During the year of celebrations of the composer’s birth,  in Warsaw, in the Sochaczew District and in other places connected to the life and work of Fryderyk Chopin in Poland and abroad, there will be other showings of films and multimedia works about Chopin, outside the scope of the competition. Screenings may also take place during other cultural celebrations connected to the “Chopin Year” celebration. Viewings will be connected with discussions of the works presented, and will be recorded and used during subsequent showings.

3.     Organization
The originators and organizers of the Competition are the Poland-Europe-Polonia Foundation and the Education 2000 Catholic Films Association (hereafter referred to as the Organizers). The Patrons of the Contest are: the Marshal of Mazovia Province, the Starosta (Foreman) of Sochaczew Poviat (County), Mayor of Sochaczew City, the Local Tourist Organization “Chopin’s Mazovia”
The Association of Polish Journalists. the Senate Commission on Culture and Media, the Selfgovernment Community of Mazovia Province, the Club of Independent Artists and the Supporters of Good Media Club and Foundation Message have also supporting the Competition.  The Organizers welcome material and financial support for the organization of the Competition from other institutions and organizations at home and abroad.

4.     Conditions of Participation
The Competition is open, i.e. professionals as well as amateurs, students in Poland and abroad may equally participate. Will be evaluated the works submitted by authors as well as published works proposed by the members of Competition Program Council or by others, which would be accepted by the Organizers

5.     Entering Works in the Competition
Competition entries will be judged in 6 categories:

1/ films and television programs

2/ multimedia programs
 - including diaporamas and short internet films up to 10 minutes in length – a separate competition for school-age youth will be organized in this category.

3/ radio programs

4/ musical recordings

5/ photographs
 – published or ready for publication on the internet.

6/ web pages

Entries can be completed by filling out the Entry Form in the version on the website of the Competition and sending it to this e=mail address: chopin@warszawa.mazowsze.pl, along with verification of acceptance of the Competition Regulations.

b) Each competition entrant may enter an unlimited number of his/her productions.

c) Works on discs, DVD or CD-ROM (3 copies – excepting web pages and 1-2 minutes previews of films or programs and promotional materials) should be sent or personally delivered to this address:

KSF Biuro Multimedialnego Konkursu “Chopin w XXI Wieku”  
Barska 2   02-315 Warsaw, Poland

Internet:  www.warszawa.mazowsze.pl/chopin  Email: chopin@warszawa.mazowsze.pl
Tel.(+48) 602 126 206, Skype: zgutowski, YouTube www.youtube.com/chopin21wieku

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Archidiecezjalne Centrum

Administrator - PEP Fundacja "Polska-Europa-Polonia". e-mail: pep@warszawa.mazowsze.pl>>>
